Tagged, Multiple Times.
Guess who is who!
1. Who are you?
Person A) Moin
Person B) Moin
Person C) Moin
Person D) Moin
(Ok, I guess who I am doesn't change no matter whose tag I'm responding to.)
2. Are we friends?
Person A) Yes.
Person B) Yes.
Person C) Yes.
Person D) Yes.
3. When and how did we meet?
Person A) MSN chat.
Person B) MSN chat.
Person C) MSN chat.
Person D) MSN chat. (I sense a pattern emerging.)
4. Do you have a crush on me?
Person A) All smacked out
Person B) Nope.
Person C) Yes. *blushes*
Person D) Such as it is.
5. Would you ever be attracted to me?
Person A) To your intelligence, and your job. :D
Person B) To your free spirit and sense of humour.
Person C) Yes.
Person D) Yes, I was told your beauty surpasses description.
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
Person A) Lady Smack-alot. :P
Person B) Jie Jie!
Person C) I suck at picking nicknames too!
Person D) Uh... I give up!
7. Describe me in one word.
Person A) *smack*
Person B) Jiejie!
Person C) Lovable!
Person D) Fabulous!
8. What was your first impression?
Person A) *smack*
Person B) "wakakaka"? Such a weird laugh.
Person C) Cute!
Person D) Sex-ay!!
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
Person A) *smack*
Person B) Well, you still have that laugh. :p
Person C) Yes! More than ever!
Person D) Yes, but for different reasons. You are more beautiful to me now. :)
10. What reminds you of me?
Person A) Anime girls that reacts to everything by throwing tandrums.
Person B)

Person C) Umm.. nothing really reminds me of you per se. Maybe Adam Brody? Though in a roundabout way.
Person D)

Strong jawlines baby! Not to mention the shared weird tastes in men. :D
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
Person A) Max. :)
Person B) Someone that can keep up with you and your sense of humour. ;)
Person C) I would give you him... but he doesn't deserve you! Soooo... one way ticket to my place. ;)
Person D) Since Ken is taken, Sanada! In full samurai gear no less.
12. How well do you know me?
Person A) Not that well really, all of the knowledge got smacked out of me.
Person B) Not well, you still mystify me.
Person C) Not well enough! We need to chat more!!
Person D) We need to meet one of these days! :)
13. When's the last time you saw me?
Person A) In a pic? Um.. a couple of months.
Person B) Wow... been like.. a year really.
Person C) Everytime I visit your blog. :) Or whenever close my eyes. ;) (Ok, not THAT often. :p)
Person D) In a pic? Last month I believe, we need to meet!
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
Person A) Yes.
Person B) Yes.
Person C) Yes!
Person D) Yes.
(I love how ambiguous this question is. The thing I could be referring to could be anything from a confession of love to "I have to go take a dump and don't want to tell you so I'll just say I'm grabbing a snack".)
15. Will you ever die for me?
Person A) No.
Person B) No.
Person C) No.
Person D) No.
Really, it depends on the circumstance. Sometimes, we are all willing to risk death for strangers on a whim (like grabbing a kid out from traffic or something). But when it comes to things that are pre-meditated, then I don't think anyone really consciously, after breaking down everything, makes the choice to die in someone else's place.
1. Who are you?
Person A) Moin
Person B) Moin
Person C) Moin
Person D) Moin
(Ok, I guess who I am doesn't change no matter whose tag I'm responding to.)
2. Are we friends?
Person A) Yes.
Person B) Yes.
Person C) Yes.
Person D) Yes.
3. When and how did we meet?
Person A) MSN chat.
Person B) MSN chat.
Person C) MSN chat.
Person D) MSN chat. (I sense a pattern emerging.)
4. Do you have a crush on me?
Person A) All smacked out
Person B) Nope.
Person C) Yes. *blushes*
Person D) Such as it is.
5. Would you ever be attracted to me?
Person A) To your intelligence, and your job. :D
Person B) To your free spirit and sense of humour.
Person C) Yes.
Person D) Yes, I was told your beauty surpasses description.
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
Person A) Lady Smack-alot. :P
Person B) Jie Jie!
Person C) I suck at picking nicknames too!
Person D) Uh... I give up!
7. Describe me in one word.
Person A) *smack*
Person B) Jiejie!
Person C) Lovable!
Person D) Fabulous!
8. What was your first impression?
Person A) *smack*
Person B) "wakakaka"? Such a weird laugh.
Person C) Cute!
Person D) Sex-ay!!
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
Person A) *smack*
Person B) Well, you still have that laugh. :p
Person C) Yes! More than ever!
Person D) Yes, but for different reasons. You are more beautiful to me now. :)
10. What reminds you of me?
Person A) Anime girls that reacts to everything by throwing tandrums.
Person B)

Person C) Umm.. nothing really reminds me of you per se. Maybe Adam Brody? Though in a roundabout way.
Person D)

Strong jawlines baby! Not to mention the shared weird tastes in men. :D
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
Person A) Max. :)
Person B) Someone that can keep up with you and your sense of humour. ;)
Person C) I would give you him... but he doesn't deserve you! Soooo... one way ticket to my place. ;)
Person D) Since Ken is taken, Sanada! In full samurai gear no less.
12. How well do you know me?
Person A) Not that well really, all of the knowledge got smacked out of me.
Person B) Not well, you still mystify me.
Person C) Not well enough! We need to chat more!!
Person D) We need to meet one of these days! :)
13. When's the last time you saw me?
Person A) In a pic? Um.. a couple of months.
Person B) Wow... been like.. a year really.
Person C) Everytime I visit your blog. :) Or whenever close my eyes. ;) (Ok, not THAT often. :p)
Person D) In a pic? Last month I believe, we need to meet!
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
Person A) Yes.
Person B) Yes.
Person C) Yes!
Person D) Yes.
(I love how ambiguous this question is. The thing I could be referring to could be anything from a confession of love to "I have to go take a dump and don't want to tell you so I'll just say I'm grabbing a snack".)
15. Will you ever die for me?
Person A) No.
Person B) No.
Person C) No.
Person D) No.
Really, it depends on the circumstance. Sometimes, we are all willing to risk death for strangers on a whim (like grabbing a kid out from traffic or something). But when it comes to things that are pre-meditated, then I don't think anyone really consciously, after breaking down everything, makes the choice to die in someone else's place.
Thanks for number 11. *HUGS*
Oh, and send me the ticket soon! Hahahahaa...
Cherry, at 7:10 AM
For No 10, you deserve multiple beatings on the head. Pah!
- junny
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
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